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Statement of Beliefs


Colonia Chapel is strictly non-denominational and non-sectarian.  We simply look to God's Word, the Bible, as the authority on all elements concerning faith. Our beliefs are outlined below.

The BIBLE is God’s Word and is therefore fully inspired by God, completely inerrant and completely infallible. As the only inspired Word of God, the Bible is the only authority for faith and practice and therefore supersedes any other teaching, writing, or tradition.  (2 Timothy 3.15-17; Isaiah 40.8; 2 Peter 1.20-21)

GOD exists as THREE distinct, co-equal, co-essential, eternal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. While there are three persons, there is only ONE TRUE GOD…the God that we read of in the Bible.  (Deuteronomy 6.4; John 10.30; 1 John 5.7; Isaiah 45.5-6)

The LORD JESUS CHRIST is both fully God and fully perfect, sinless, Man. Though He ever existed as Son of God in eternity past, when the fullness of time was come, He humbled Himself and as a Man, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.  He took on the form of a man for the suffering of death so that He could taste death for every man. (Colossians 2.9; John 1.14; 1 Peter 2.22; Hebrews 2.7-9; John 1.1; 1 John 4.2; Luke 1.34-35)

Jesus did not sin, nor could He have. However, as a substitute on behalf of all those who trust Him, He sacrificially paid the full penalty for sin when He died on the cross and shed His blood there.  (2 Corinthians 5.21; 1 Peter 2.22-24, 3.18; Hebrews 9.26)  He died a real death, and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. He is now risen, ascended, exalted and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. (1 Corinthians 15.3-4; Acts 13.29-30)  He is our: Advocate, High Priest, and Intercessor.  He is also the Head of the Church, which is His Body.  (1 John 2.1; Hebrews 4.14-15, 9.11-12; Romans 8.34; Hebrews 7.25; Colossians 1.18)

The HOLY SPIRIT is God and permanently indwells each believer and the Church Body. Upon belief the believer is sealed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit desires to bear fruit in each believer’s life as he or she reckons the flesh dead, and walks in newness of life as a testimony to a lost world. The Spirit of God moves our hearts to worship our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father. As the Spirit of Truth, He is the one that teaches us the Scripture and brings it to our remembrance. Through these roles, He brings no attention to Himself but purposes to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.  (John 14.16-17; Ephesians 1.13; Galatians 5.22-25; John 16.13-14; 1 Corinthians 6.19; Ephesians 2.22)

SALVATION is a free gift by God's sovereign grace whereby He saves sinners on the basis of the finished work of Christ received by faith alone. Since it is on the basis of Christ’s redemptive and finished work on the cross, believers can NEVER lose their salvation. Upon belief, they are sealed and placed in the Body of Christ, which is the Church. Believers are saved from the penalty of sin, they are saved daily from the power of sin, and one day soon, they will be saved from the presence of sin. Anyone who chooses not to receive this free gift faces an eternity of utter darkness where the wrath of a holy and a just God will be poured out.  (Ephesians 2.8,9; Ephesians 1.13; John 10.27-29; Romans 8.1, 6.14; Revelation 21.4; John 3.16-18, 36)

The CHURCH is the Bride of Christ and is composed of ALL true Christians, born of the Spirit of God and placed by the Spirit into the One Body of Christ. The Lord’s physical absence from this present world does not mean He does not leave a testimony of Himself here on earth. Local assemblies are mere expressions of this testimony and of the One Body of Christ. Further, the assembly is to keep the UNITY of the Spirit in the bond of peace. This practical unity is displayed in the Lord’s Table, thus the One Cup and the One Loaf. The Scripture teaches the priesthood of ALL believers. For this reason, we do not recognize any clergy/laity distinctions in the Body of Christ. The Scripture teaches that Lord Jesus gave spiritual gifts to His Church for the edification of His Body, the Church. The Holy Spirit, who indwells each believer, also indwells the Church. Thus, He is able to lead each local assembly in worship, teaching, and prayer as believers submit to His leading. (1 Corinthians 12.13, 1.2, 10.16; Ephesians 4.3, 7-12; 1 Peter 2.5; Revelation 21.9, 22.17)

The LORD'S SUPPER is an important reminder of what the Lord had to endure to redeem His Church. By partaking of the bread, which speaks of His body given for us, as well as the cup, which speaks of His blood that was shed for us, we do show forth His death until His return. This is a memorial that the Lord Himself instituted with His true disciples on the same night He was betrayed. True Christians, walking in doctrinal and moral purity are welcome to partake of this practical fellowship. The communion of believers at the Lord's Table is not "closed" to anyone, nor is it "open" to everyone, but guarded to all.  This practical fellowship must be with only those that desire to gather simply and solely, unto the Name of Lord Jesus Christ.  (1 Corinthians 11.23-31; Matthew 18:20; 1 John 4.1)

RECEPTION is therefore mutual. Letters of commendation is a Scriptural practice that we follow when visitors come from another assembly that would desire to carry out Scriptural order. When a letter is not presented, as in the case of a totally new visitor, he or she inquire as to the doctrine and practices of the assembly and vice versa so as to maintain godly order.(Romans 16.1; 1 Corinthians 14.23-25; 40; 1 John 4.1)

SEPARATION is to be from the worldly system, its philosophies and its false teachers. The believer should separate from false, unscriptural teachings, and false religion. The motivation…? (Psalms 93.5; 2 Timothy 2.19) 

BAPTISM does not save one from sin, nor is it conditional for salvation.  Water baptism publicly testifies to the believer's death, burial and resurrection with the Lord Jesus Christ.(Romans 6)

RAPTURE of the Church is both Premillennial, and Pretribulational. This means that the Lord's coming is imminent, whereby He will rapture all true believers both living and dead and they will be caught up to meet Him in the air. Seven years later, He will return with His Church and establish His reign over a restored nation of Israel for 1,000 years as her King and Messiah. (1 Thessalonians 4.13-18; Revelation 19.11; 20.1-6)

The FUTURE for the saved is secure. The blessed hope of the believer is the imminent, personal return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a day, glorious day, that will be. The lost, those that are without Christ, those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life will spend an eternity in conscious torment in the lake of fire along with Satan and his angels.(Matthew 25.46, Revelation 20.10-15)

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